Access Accurate And Responsive Data For

Our company is dedicated to providing cutting-edge technology solutions to help businesses optimize their operations and streamline their processes.
Healthcare Database Provider
Healthcare Database Provider
Healthcare Database Provider

Trusted By Partner with more than 100+ big companies

HealthDBi Is A Perfect Tool For

Discover the full potential of our SaaS features designed to streamline operations, increase productivity, and enhance communication.
Healthcare Database Provider
Healthcare Database Provider
Healthcare Database Provider

Physicians, Providers, And Healthcare Professionals With 95% Accuracy

Access over 1.2 Million Contacts with NPI, email addresses, phone, and much more.

HealthDBi Lets You

Healthcare Database Provider


By NPI, Specialty, Facility Type, Geography

Healthcare Database Provider
Healthcare Database Provider


Verify: Verify emails in Real-Time and get 95% accuracy.

Healthcare Database Provider
Healthcare Database Provider

Build Lists

Build Customised niche lists to enable campaigns in minutes

Healthcare Database Provider

Why Should You Choose Us?

Get comprehensive access to the healthcare industry with our network. You’ll have access to C-suite executives, doctors, and more!

Extensive Database
Improved Productivity
Trusted Sources
Healthcare Database Provider
Healthcare Database Provider
Healthcare Database Provider

What Our Client Says

This is by far the tool I was looking for to get providers contact info. Makes my job a lot easier now.


Healthcare Recruiter,USA

Finding healthcare decision makers emails has been a tough task. HealthDBi makes it easy.


VP Sales - Medical Prodcuts, USA

We saw good response rates from the emails and phones that we got from Healthdbi. Would definitely recommend them.


Research specialist, USA

Our team has been happy with the simple platform and easy to use features. Our email open rates are at an all time high.


healthcare staffing, London, UK

Choose the right plan for your business

Free Trial


5 Free Credits

Best Seller



745 Credits


$ 498/month

1992 Credits

Get your questions answered

A credit is a contact with phone, email and all information that we have.

Contact Information

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#713, 447 Broadway,New York, NY 10013, USA
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