Why Choose US

Get comprehensive access to the healthcare industry with our network. You’ll have access to C-suite executives, doctors, and more!

Improved Productivity

Stop reps and recruiters from spending too much time on searching for contact information

Extensive Database

Our comprehensive and integrated database covers 1.5 million healthcare contacts

Trusted Sources

Our data comes from associations, research samples, registrations, and over 378+ trusted sources
Healthcare Database Provider

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At HealthDBi we believe that healthcare marketing should be accessible for everyone, no matter the size or type of company! It’s our mission to make sure this commitment is enforced by providing affordable services at all times.

One of the most frustrating problems in healthcare, pharma, and medical device marketing is that it’s hard to find reliable contact information. And not just for startups or staffing firms, even large Pharma or Med Device companies found that there are even more hoops one has jump through before they can get accurate data for their target audience!

Healthcare Database Provider
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When we started out our careers with a 7+ year median Experience among us, and many years’ of highs and lows of marketing and sales experience under our belts, we quickly realized how fundamental this issue was: either expensive accesses (which isn’t always available) OR untrustworthy sources who try to sell email lists without any clarity of what those lists might look like.

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